Email Missing

Issue #384 resolved
Rizki Rivai created an issue

I already tried to - reindex piler. - Reimport mail said duplicate. - Pilerget return nothing - using mysql 'select * from metadata where piler_id='<id>' return empty set. - in /var/log/mail.log i have this message: Aug 21 09:49:43 piler pilerget[17422]: /var/piler/store/00/87/c7/d0/4000000053f55e4717b6945c00d95387c7d0.m: cannot open() - under /var/piler/store/00 only has 4 directory which are 53c 53d 53e 53f.

Any hint to fix this?

Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The empty select result indicates that piler actually did not archive such a mail. If you have such an entry in maillog, what's that? If you tried to reimport a message, then piler would say it's a duplicate, and not store it, since it's already stored. Note that reindex is a troubleshooting tool: use it only if the sphinx indices are corrupted or lost.

  2. Rizki Rivai reporter

    I found out many imported message went to non-existent directory. As I posted earlier, a message was store on directory /var/piler/store/00/87... while in fact store directory only have /var/piler/store/00/53c, /var/piler/store/00/53d,/var/piler/store/00/53e,/var/piler/store/00/53f.

    It seem this problem started when i import more than 5000 eml mail from a directory.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    No, nothing went to non existing directories. Earlier versions used the 00/87/... scheme, however newer versions use 00/53f/... structure. However (to support upgraded systems) if pilerget can't find the message under store/00/53f/..., then it tries to look up in the older path (for compatibility). Btw. what version do you use?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, then the next step would be to recall any pilerimport output or maillog about importing those 5000 emails. I suspect that something has gone wrong.

    Btw. when we solve this issue, it's worth to upgrade to 1.1.0. It has lots of improvements and bugfixes. Or if the archive is relatively small, it may be feasible to drop everything, then reinstall from scratch.

  5. Rizki Rivai reporter

    from maillog i get a lot of "cannot open frame file: ..." other than that i havent found any suspicious error message.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, this alone should be suspicious enough. Usually a sign that the parser can't create temp files. You should either give write permissions to piler user on that directory, or go to /tmp, then run pilerimport there - as it's written in the docs.

  7. Rizki Rivai reporter

    you are correct on permission. As my script is creating new directory to extract mail from server.

  8. Ochieng Maxwell

    I seem to be missing some mails and when I look at the logs the missing emails shows "cannot open frame file" with a message-id=null. these are mails coming through piler MTA. error seems to appear for some mail and not all. Permissions seems fine since most mails are being archived. Kindly advice.

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