Various graphic glitches

Issue #400 resolved
Orsiris DE JONG created an issue


Here's a list of small graphic glitches that happen in piler UI.

  • Emails search results show subjects with '?' instead of 'é'
  • Emails search results show spaces in subjects which are not in the mail subject
  • Contact suppport link in menu is white on white when custom colors are set (tested on IE11 & Opera 24 and Firefox 36)
  • CSS breaks when selecting emails (tested on IE11 & Opera 24 and Firefox 36)

Piler version: piler 1.2.0-pre, build 887,

Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    For the contact support 'invisible' link, I believe that customized settings were introduced. Check the html source, and locate the support link. If it has a 'style="color:....' part, then check if you actually enabled SAAS mode, and if so, then check administration / customer section, and verify that the text color is anything but white.

  2. Lukas Schreiner

    Can confirm, that the subjects in search result is not proper shown if there is any non 7-bit ascii character. Issue seems about wrong encoding.

    Content-Type in ajax feedback of search-helper is utf-8. Encoding in config.php is $config['DB_CHARSET'] = 'utf8mb4'; but the response from search-helper ajax request is in real iso-8859-1 for me.

    For me, seems the reason, that the table / database was wrongly created with latin1. Need to switch everything to utf8(mb4). Now working fine. @Janos SUTO : may it make sense to extend util/db-mysql.sql or util/ to check and ask already for an encoding? Because in default piler.conf mysqlcharset is fixed set to utf8mb4. Also webui config is by default DB_CHARSET set to utf8mb4. So i think to be consistently, also the SQL execution / database creation should ensure, that the collation and charset is set properly.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Which piler version do you use? Can you show me the subject line(s) for such an email?

    If you followed the installation manual, then the postinstall script guaranteed that you have the right encoding. Note that I’ve just fixed the manual post install stuff in the wiki to set it to utf8mb4 as well.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, not yet, but I finally allocated some resources to fix it. Btw. if you had a few subject lines like you had a few years ago with malformed displaying, then I’d give a shot to resolve it.

  5. Lukas Schreiner

    @Janos SUTO Piler 1.3.7

    (you see, that only in result is wrong and in mail display itself is correct).

    Used for installation instructions. Checking the scheme data (information_schema), the tables were all installed with latin1 (the MySQL (to be honest, i’m using MariaDB instead of MySQL, but though does not break it) default was latin1 for me).

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I see the image, however I need you to click on the ‘View headers’ link, and show me the subject line(s).

    “Checking the scheme data (information_schema), the tables were all installed with latin1 (the MySQL (to be honest, i’m using MariaDB instead of MySQL, but though does not break it) default was latin1 for me).”

    Odd. I also use mariadb on ubuntu, and the database is created with utf8mb4. What’s the output of the following sql statement?

    show create database piler;

  7. Lukas Schreiner

    Sorry, but i’ve changed and fixed already the settings in order to have the database and tables correctly.

    The header in the mail is correctly:

    Subject: =?utf-8?B?QmVpdHLDpGdl?= Kreisverband

    If you want, i can cross check if installation scripts are fine on a fresh system - just to figure out, whether further changes are required in installation process here or not.

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I can't reproduce it. I have ubuntu bionic with the latest master branch (which is almost as 1.3.7)

  9. Lukas Schreiner

    Hi, yes validated with a complete fresh new debian buster in combination with Piler 1.3.7, its correct:

    Then all fine for me. Ticket can be closed, isn’t it? 🙂

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