ERR: cannot bind to port

Issue #426 resolved
Darryl Eberly created an issue

CentOS release 6.5

installed on a VM following these instructions

Had a few issues during the install including the segfault issue which were resolved, but now I can't get piler to load.

piler - V

piler 0.1.24-master-branch, build 836, Janos SUTO Build Date: Mon Oct 6 14:01:16 EDT 2014 ldd version: ldd (GNU libc) 2.12 gcc version: gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) (GCC) Configure command: ./configure --localstatedir=/var --enable-starttls --enable-tcpwrappers --with-database=mysql

tail -20 /var/log/mail*og

Oct 6 16:04:31 mailarch piler[1758]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 15:36:07 mailarch piler[4072]: added mydomain: 'local'

Oct 7 15:36:07 mailarch piler[4072]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 15:36:07 mailarch piler[4072]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 15:36:07 mailarch piler[4072]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 15:52:52 mailarch piler[4115]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 15:52:52 mailarch piler[4115]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 15:52:52 mailarch piler[4115]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 15:53:15 mailarch piler[4120]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 15:53:15 mailarch piler[4120]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 15:53:15 mailarch piler[4120]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 15:55:56 mailarch piler[4140]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 15:55:56 mailarch piler[4140]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 15:55:56 mailarch piler[4140]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 16:00:26 mailarch piler[4168]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 16:00:26 mailarch piler[4168]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 16:00:26 mailarch piler[4168]: piler has been terminated

Oct 7 16:15:45 mailarch piler[5733]: reloaded config: /usr/local/etc/piler.conf

Oct 7 16:15:45 mailarch piler[5733]: ERR: cannot bind to port

Oct 7 16:15:45 mailarch piler[5733]: piler has been terminated


Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If it's a new install, then you should get the latest master branch. It has several improvements over 0.1.24. Anyway if you want to keep it, it's ok for me. If piler can't bind, then something has occupied port 25, usually exim or postfix. You should either fix the mta config or piler, so they won't listen on the same ip:port.

  2. Darryl Eberly reporter

    Running netstat -lnp shows piler attached to port 25.

    changing the port did allow it to load, still showed both ports attached to piler

    rebooted, port 25 was now inactive, changed the port back to 25, and it loads

    This was after I upgraded to the lastest version.

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