Reindex echos all mail

Issue #431 resolved
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

All Mails are echoed on my console.

a: 0/0/0/0 Jegliche Korrekturvorschläge inhaltlich a: 0/0/0/0 und grammatikalisch  sind a: 0/0/0/0 gern gesehen.  a: 0/0/0/0 a: 0/0/0/0 gruß

Yesterday this behavior doesnt apper.

Comments (1)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Sorry, a debug line was left in src/parser.c. You may either remove it by finding it around the 642nd line:

    printf("a: %d/%d/%d/%d %s\n", state->is_1st_header, state->is_header, state->message_rfc822, state->message_state, buf);

    Or get the updated file from the latest master branch. Sorry about the inconvenience.

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