pilerimport hung for one user

Issue #437 resolved
Stephen Risinger created an issue

I have used pilerimport to import all existing emails for all users, save one. When I attempt to import this one user (via IMAP from Exchange), pilerimport always hangs on the same folder. I attempted to skip this folder, and it hung at the exact same spot. I once let pilerimport run for nearly 24 hours to see if it was just taking a long time to parse a message.

So... I figure it's hanging on whatever directly follows that folder, but I am unable to determine what follows. How can I find what is causing this problem?

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I suspect that there might be a problematic attachment one of the external helpers can't deal with. To verify this situation, be sure to run "ps auxw|grep piler", and if you find any non piler stuff, eg. pdftotext, then you just identified the issue.

  2. Stephen Risinger reporter

    I ran "ps auxw|grep piler". I have, prior to pilerimport, 11 "piler -d" processes and 2 "searchd" processes. After pilerimport, I have tail, top, and grep, all run by me/root.

  3. James

    I have to admit that it is my fault that i have not tested yet if the latest version resolves the zarafa issue you mentioned in #107. our data protection officer is giving me a hard time therefore i could not continue implementing piler in our enviroment but it definitely will happen in the next 6 weeks.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, in this case it might be an IMAP parsing error. To figure it out run ngrep -X port 143, and pay attention to the last few packets whether everything is fine on the network, and pilerimport can actually retrieve the problematic message properly.

  5. Stephen Risinger reporter

    I ran 'ngrep -X port 143' and found that the problem is an IMAP parsing error. I found the following at the hang:

    A2679 SELECT "INBOX/Folder/Folder/John "Tim" Smith".. ... A2679 BAD Command Argument Error. 12..

    This should correct the import error.

    I previously noticed some other pilerimport issues: Pilerimport hung if a user had leading or trailing spaces in a folder name. Pilerimport also skips a folder if a user has a forward slash (/) in that folder name.

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