Search in ppt File

Issue #441 closed
edenilson amaral created an issue


I am doing some research content in ppt file without success.

The file in question was created in office 2007, but I've tried with 2010 and Open Libre Office and nothing.

Thank you.

Comments (6)

  1. edenilson amaral reporter


    I installed the application indicated. When I run the pilertest indicated in the file, it displays an error in parsing: "/tmp/1415379519.H715367P7650.solr.a1.bin isnt file or OLE Error"

    To discard the email / attachment are in error, I have attached another ppt to email.

    This time showed pilertest content unconverted: "line: UEsFBgAAAAAqACoA3QwAALGIAAAAAA =="

    However when I convert the attachment content by ppthtml application is shown perfectly.

    Thank you.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Thanks. I've checked both files, and I got the "cole - The file is not a OLE2 file" by running "pphtml BLUE.ppt", and running 'pilertest 1416....solr". So my guess is that it may be a damaged attachment, or something that pphtml can't deal with.

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