Exports Not Working..Cannot Export a whole month of messages

Issue #444 resolved
Jim Keating created an issue

I cannot seem to export a whole month's worth of email. I can only export up to 18 days out of the month even though there are more days with email. We've been archiving email since August 12th 2014. (I downloaded a VMware OVF image that you had available in August.) I can export the partial month as long as I choose a stop date of: 2014.09.18 or earlier in the month. The VM has 2GB of RAM and I don't see any peaks in RAM or CPU usage. I've attached a screen shot of the commands I ran trying to get the full month of September exported. As you can see, I worked backwards until I got down to the 18th and the export started running. Please help. Thanks much. Jim

This does not work: /var/pilerbackups# pilerexport --start-date 2014.09.01 --stop-date 2014.09.31 This does work: pilerexport --start-date 2014.09.01 --stop-date 2014.09.18

Comments (16)

  1. Jim Keating reporter

    I've been out sick for a few days. (Thanks for your reply.) We have several full months of email archived starting in August through today. I can search and find email for the whole month of September using the audit function in the web interface. This is really a strange problem. I'm going to try to Export the whole month of October. I'll let you know what happens. Thanks, Jim

  2. Jim Keating reporter

    I tried to export the whole month of October and nothing happened. Then I tried using some different date ranges within October. As you can see there were 2 times when the export started and I hit Ctrl-C. The other tries nothing happened although the last 3 times or so I had to hit Ctrl-C after a few minutes as the program hung. If I use the command: "pilerexport -A" the export starts immediately. Do you think that there's a bug in the program or something wrong with the VM?
    Would you have a newer version of the PilerExport utility that I could try? Thanks, JK

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately pilerexport is the only way to export messages. Pilerget may be another way to get individual messages provided that you know the exact piler id. I assume no errors or warnings in maillog, right?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I believe you :-) I think I need some on-site debugging by tweaking the utils to see what's going on. Is there a remote session possible?

  5. Jim Keating reporter

    Thanks, yes I can setup a WebEx session for you. Would definitely welcome some help. I'm available today after 10:30 PST. Will be here till at least 5:00 PM PST today. (Located in Washington State USA) My contact information: 509-881-2396 jimk@dcpud.org If you need me to I can work after hours. Please let me know what works for you. Thanks much, Jim

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Just sent you an email, let's discuss things in private, and post only the solution here.

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    In case of a problem, always check the log files. It appeared that mysql complained that it couldn't write /tmp/XXXXX file (error 28) which means no space left on device, even though it had ~100 MB free space.

    I've extended the /tmp partition (LVM is to the rescue) by +1 GB, and the issue is solved.

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