how to delete message in web page

Issue #450 resolved
小永 温 created an issue

I test mailpiler this weeks .but i can not find how to delete message in web page. it's not the function or i can not finded? Thank you for your help

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I believe that deleting is not a feature of an archive, since its purpose is to preserve messages for a certain time (=retention time). So that's why the gui doesn't let any user to remove any message. Note that you still have a way to get rid of a message: set its retained column in the metadata table to the past, and run pilerpurge as user piler.

  2. Richie

    Hi, We are testing Piler and need to delete what we have imported to it for a new start. Pilerpurge is not found so we can not delete that dirty importation. How could we do a fresh start? Thanks in advance

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