no email can found in piler

Issue #463 closed
Former user created an issue

Empty search result. Try adding the wildcard character() after a word snippet, eg. duplic to find "duplicate", "duplicated", etc.

mysql> select * from main1,delta1; +-------+------------+--------+-------------+ | id | sent | size | attachments | +-------+------------+--------+-------------+ | 29040 | 1419525006 | 123485 | 1 | | 29041 | 1419525255 | 27679 | 0 | | 29042 | 1419526716 | 60987 | 1 | | 29043 | 1419527788 | 7689 | 0 | | 29044 | 1419528613 | 44189 | 1 | | 29045 | 1419532348 | 5598 | 0 | | 29046 | 1419532944 | 11940 | 1 | | 29047 | 1419534301 | 714 | 0 | | 29048 | 1419534363 | 661 | 0 | | 29049 | 1419534358 | 42891 | 0 | | 29050 | 1419536683 | 59968 | 0 | | 29051 | 1419537554 | 39955 | 1 | | 29052 | 1419537601 | 10184 | 0 | | 29053 | 1419539401 | 18929 | 0 | | 29054 | 1419539409 | 629 | 0 | | 29055 | 1419539409 | 691 | 0 | | 29056 | 1419541148 | 9533 | 0 | | 29057 | 1419543884 | 3037 | 0 | | 29058 | 1419565218 | 412 | 0 | | 29059 | 1419547936 | 59970 | 0 | +-------+------------+--------+-------------+ 20 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I can search data in sphinx but nothing found in webui

how shoud i debug thank you for help!


Comments (12)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    As the first step show me the sphinx query the gui issues. Check out the maillog, the gui syslogs its queries.

  2. Philip Deubner

    Same issue with me. I use piler on a Debian 7.8 VM with a fresh installation. After the installation, I added some mail to get to know piler (using the pilerimport tool). The message count shows up in the admin use statistics, but no auditor is able to see any mail. When searching (as an auditor) for mails (giving no restrictions) I always receive an empty search result in the webui (Empty search result. Try adding the wildcard character() after a word snippet, eg. duplic to find "duplicate", "duplicated", etc.). This is how syslog reconizes my attempts to search for any email:

    Feb  1 16:32:01 archiv piler-webui[32086]: username=philip@local, event='logged in'
    Feb  1 16:32:07 archiv piler-webui[32086]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE        MATCH('') ORDER BY `sent` DESC LIMIT 0,1000 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

    When checking the audit section, I am able to see at least the search attempts and the logins, being representes in the syslog like

    Feb  1 16:29:13 archiv piler-webui[32090]: audit query: 'SELECT * FROM audit  ORDER BY `ts` DESC LIMIT 0,20', param: '' in 0.00 s, 20 hits
    Feb  1 16:29:14 archiv piler-webui[32090]: audit query: 'SELECT * FROM audit  ORDER BY `ts` DESC LIMIT 0,20', param: '' in 0.00 s, 20 hits

    Any suggestions on how to solve this issue? bg,


  3. Ozan H

    Hello Janos,

    I faced with the same issue above. I digged for the problem and here is what I found:

    In previous piler version v1.1.0 (using vmware image you distribute) when I type:

    > mysql -h -P 9306
    >SELECT * FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 LIMIT 10;


    However, In version 1.1.1 the one built in debian 7.8 by myself Same query gives the following result


    After more digging, In php during sphinx query it gives the following result: error-sort-by attribute 'sent' not found

    Because of this, nothing shows up in search.php. I just change the file /var/www/piler/search/search.php file within query_all_possible_IDs method's $sortorder variable as $sortorder=''; to ignore the bug until you publish a solution. Sincerely.

  4. Ozan H

    I check the /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf file and the paths are valid for piler. They point the /var/piler/sphinx dir files.

  5. Ozan H

    I think I just solved it. I changed the following queries in /var/www/piler/search/search.php by adding extra "sent" column into queries like this. It seems working now.

    if(isset($data['tag']) && $data['tag']) {
             $id_list = $this->get_sphinx_id_list($data['tag'], SPHINX_TAG_INDEX, 'tag');
             $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,sent FROM " . SPHINX_MAIN_INDEX . " WHERE $folders id IN ($id_list) $sortorder LIMIT 0," . MAX_SEARCH_HITS . " OPTION max_matches=" . MAX_SEARCH_HITS);
          else if(isset($data['note']) && $data['note']) {
             $id_list = $this->get_sphinx_id_list($data['note'], SPHINX_NOTE_INDEX, 'note');
             $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,sent FROM " . SPHINX_MAIN_INDEX . " WHERE $folders id IN ($id_list) $sortorder LIMIT 0," . MAX_SEARCH_HITS . " OPTION max_matches=" . MAX_SEARCH_HITS);
          else if(ENABLE_FOLDER_RESTRICTIONS == 1 && isset($data['extra_folders']) && $data['extra_folders']) {
             $ids_in_extra_folders = $this->get_sphinx_id_list_by_extra_folders($data['extra_folders']);
             $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,sent FROM " . SPHINX_MAIN_INDEX . " WHERE $a $id $date $attachment $direction $size MATCH('$match') AND id IN ($ids_in_extra_folders) $sortorder LIMIT 0," . MAX_SEARCH_HITS . " OPTION max_matches=" . MAX_SEARCH_HITS);
          else {
             $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,sent FROM " . SPHINX_MAIN_INDEX . " WHERE $a $id $date $attachment $direction $size $folders MATCH('$match') $sortorder LIMIT 0," . MAX_SEARCH_HITS . " OPTION max_matches=" . MAX_SEARCH_HITS);
  6. Oliver Gönner

    Thanks a lot, worked for me. Just for the once still searching, the path to teh file should be: /var/www/piler/model/search/search.php

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