Need help with setting up for the first time install.

Issue #475 resolved
Mateusz Szymborski created an issue

I have problem with searching mails. I import random mbox: received messages 47020 None found.

I found this: $ mysql -h -P 9306 > select * from main1,delta1;

But i don't have in piler database tables main1, delta1.

Comments (28)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Double check if you have actually run after the installation "indexer --all" as user piler. Then also make sure that user piler has some cron jobs indexing, eg. running and And finally show me ls -la /var/piler/sphinx out make (be sure to use bitbucket formatting!)

  2. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    You ask about show tables?

    mysql> show tables;
    | Tables_in_piler   |
    | archiving_rule    |
    | attachment        |
    | audit             |
    | autosearch        |
    | counter           |
    | counter_stats     |
    | customer_settings |
    | domain            |
    | domain_user       |
    | email             |
    | email_groups      |
    | folder            |
    | folder_extra      |
    | folder_message    |
    | folder_user       |
    | google            |
    | google_imap       |
    | group             |
    | group_email       |
    | group_user        |
    | import            |
    | ldap              |
    | metadata          |
    | note              |
    | online            |
    | option            |
    | rcpt              |
    | remote            |
    | retention_rule    |
    | search            |
    | sph_counter       |
    | sph_index         |
    | tag               |
    | user              |
    | user_settings     |
    | v_attachment      |
    | v_messages        |
    37 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    or search?

    Empty search result. Try adding the wildcard character() after a word snippet, eg. duplic to find "duplicate", "duplicated", etc.

  3. Mateusz Szymborski reporter
    mysql> select * from main1,delta1;
    | id   | sent      | size | attachments |
    |    1 | 987100344 |    0 |           0 |
    |    2 | 987103506 |    0 |           0 |
    |    3 | 987177832 |    0 |           0 |
    |    4 | 987180217 |    0 |           0 |
    |    5 | 987195145 |    0 |           0 |
    |    6 | 987196124 |    0 |           0 |
    |    7 | 987203553 |    0 |           0 |
    |    8 | 987219872 |    0 |           0 |
    |    9 | 987219958 |    0 |           0 |
    |   10 | 960828726 |    0 |           0 |
    |   11 | 960828726 |    0 |           0 |
    |   12 | 987220542 |    0 |           0 |
    |   13 | 961170569 |    0 |           0 |
    |   14 | 961170569 |    0 |           0 |
    |   15 | 961170569 |    0 |           0 |
    |   16 | 961432776 |    0 |           0 |
    |   17 | 968937918 |    0 |           0 |
    |   18 | 960828726 |    0 |           0 |
    |   19 | 961170569 |    0 |           0 |
    |   20 | 961432776 |    0 |           0 |
    20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, better. Now login as auditor@local (or other auditor user), and hit the search button to see if you get any hits.

  5. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Ok, thanks. I see lot of e-mails. Why when i'm logged as admin@local i don't see any e-mail?

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Because admin is designed to administer only piler. Auditor is the role to see all archived emails.

  7. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Is it possible to import emails, and set to user (LDAP) access to only these e-mails?

    And next import other pack of e-mails and set to other user (LDAP) access to these e-mails?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hmm, the folder feature may be the rescue. For pilerimport specify -F <foldername> for each import batch, then piler will write the folder info for each archived email.

    Then set $config['ENABLE_FOLDER_RESTRICTIONS'] = 1; in config-site.php to enable the gui to use the folder based restrictions, And as the admin user create a regular user, and assign him a folder. I don't think you can assign folders to LDAP users.

  9. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Basic of autenthication here is LDAP. I need to sometimes grand access to some mailbox for some time.

    There is no way to set this with ldap? I can manually set that, but user needs to login with ldap.

    Whether it is possible to login with LDAP_login and LDAP_pass than the LDAP_mail and LDAP_pass?

  10. Janos SUTO repo owner

    In this case let's forget the folder feature, rather use the group stuff to add permission to someone to see another person's emails. Not sure what LDAP_login is, but users type their email addresses and their passwords (for the sake of a consistent login screen), then in the background the gui checks what it takes to decide if it's a successful authentication.

  11. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    " to see another person's emails"

    There is problem. We have mailbox of persons who don't use it for long time, and ldap accounts of this persons is removed. So we need to mark packages of emails and set up right permissions.

    I think to login with LDAP_login i need to change in config $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'mail'; to $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'uid';

  12. Janos SUTO repo owner

    That's not a problem, since you don't really need the left person's ldap stuff. Rather the email still exist in piler's archive, and it can retrieve it, and present it to the person to whom you give permission to see it by using the group feature.

  13. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Then how to set is up?

    I add to ldap user "test" objectClass "simpleSecurityObject" and change in config $config['LDAP_ACCOUNT_OBJECTCLASS'] = 'simpleSecurityObject'; so only this user can log in. How to import mbox and add to user test access to this mail?

  14. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Meabe is a way to create piler account (with some script or link) and paitr them to ldap account?

  15. Janos SUTO repo owner

    no, don't overcomplicate it. Just make the ldap auth work, and the gui does the rest. If you can't make it, then I suggest a skype or teamviewer remote help. Perhaps it can be speed up.

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