Folder restrictions not work. Empty search.

Issue #490 closed
Mateusz Szymborski created an issue

I have imported lot of emails with -m name.surname.mbox -F name.surname flag. If I have $config['ENABLE_FOLDER_RESTRICTIONS'] = 0; In auditor account i see e-mails. If i have $config['ENABLE_FOLDER_RESTRICTIONS'] = 1; And i add access to this folder in user config i don't see any e-mail.

Comments (19)

  1. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    And i see were wrong. User see emails which should not.

    If i check folder > search > click on email = i see good email.

    If i uncheck folder > search > CLICK ON EMAIL = i see bad email

    We don't open properly email.

  2. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    regular@local have access to 51 folder.

    In 51 folder is 2648 emails.

    In 52 folder is 37 emails.

    If I uncheck all folders he see 2685 emails. I select first email and check it.

    mysql> select * from main1,dailydelta1,delta1 where id=237123;
    | id     | sent       | size  | folder | attachments |
    | 237123 | 1399369066 | 13034 |     52 |           0 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If you check a folder on the left pane, it means that you want to narrow the search to that given folder. If unchecked (all) then the query searches in all visible (to the user) folders.

    If you mean that user X has no right to folder 52, then make sure you logout, then login to reassign folder permissions.

  4. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Now i do "su - piler" > "indexer --all --rotate", and i have back one problem. Without folders i see all in auditor. With folder search is empty.

    In /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf i have sql_attr_uint = folder

    Jan 30 16:20:29 e577ed228937 piler-webui[2727]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE       folder IN (1,51) AND  MATCH('') ORDER BY `sent` DESC LIMIT 0,1000 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 0 hits, 0 total found
  5. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    So I have problem. I don't see any email. reindex is not helpful. If we can today connect per teamviewer and try to repair that and accesses to folders i will be happy.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please don't just run any command. indexer --all is for install time only to create/reset the sphinx database. After that you have an empty sphinx db, so no wonder that you can't find anything. Now you should run reindex -f 1 -t 1000, to reindex the first 1000 messages, then check the gui.

  7. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    I have been reindex all messages, but without sql_attr_uint = folder in sphinx.conf. Now i have it. How to index/reindex to folders?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    That's a problem, because pilerimport writes the folder info to sph_index table only, and it's gone. However perhaps you may fix it by adding -F option to reindex, just as with pilerimport to specify folder info. However you have to know which message belongs to which folder, eg. reindex -f 1 -t 1234 -F aaa, reindex -f 1235 -t 7645 -F bbb, etc.

  9. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    I import with pilerimport -m "$var/$(ls -1 $var | grep .mbox)" -F $var; I need to index with folders.

  10. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    When I import, and after import i want to immediately see these emails, how to index it?

  11. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    Now i have 244754 (24 hours) Processed emails. I import with

    if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; 
        echo "Usage: ./`basename $0` d_name.surname d_name.surname2 d_name.surname3 ..."; 
        for var in "$@"; do
            echo $var
            zip=$var/$(ls -1 $var | grep .zip)
            mbox=T$(unzip -l $zip | grep .mbox | cut -d'T' -f2-) # Because have "Takeout" folder first
            #echo $mbox
            nice -n 10 unzip -j "$zip" "${mbox}" -d $var/
            nice -n 10 pilerimport -m "$var/$(ls -1 $var | grep .mbox)" -F $var;
            nice -n 10 rm -i $var/*.mbox
        su - piler -c "nice -n 10 indexer delta1 --rotate" 

    or (when i have unzipped mbox)

    if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; 
        echo "Usage: ./`basename $0` d_name.surname d_name.surname2 d_name.surname3 ..."; 
        for var in "$@"; do
            echo $var
            nice -n 10 pilerimport -m "$var/$(ls -1 $var | grep .mbox)" -F $var | grep -Ev 'a4'
        su - piler -c "nice -n 10 indexer delta1 --rotate"

    and i have

    Feb  4 08:43:01 e577ed228937 piler-webui[282]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE       folder IN (3,1) AND  MATCH('') ORDER BY `sent` DESC LIMIT 0,1000 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

    mysql -h -P 9306

    mysql> select * from main1,dailydelta1,delta1;
    Empty set (0.01 sec)

    When data is writing to this mysql? How to fix it?

  12. Mateusz Szymborski reporter


    Source of error: su - piler -c "nice -n 10 indexer delta1 --rotate"

    When you index second package with it, it will replace delta1.

    Fix: su - piler -c "nice -n 10 indexer delta1 --rotate && sleep 2 && nice -n 10 indexer --merge main1 delta1 --merge-dst-range deleted 0 0 --rotate && sleep 1 && nice -n 10 indexer tag1 --rotate && sleep 1 && nice -n 10 indexer note1 --rotate"

  13. Mateusz Szymborski reporter

    All works. Thanks! Waiting for LDAP Folders feature. (Login with ldap data, connect to database, if user not exist then create account, else get data about accesses) This Issue can be closed.

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