Nested groups not working in LDAP query

Issue #495 resolved
Scott Savarese created an issue

I'm working on configuring LDAP authentication. Right now my user is able to login, but isn't getting its auditor/admin rights. I'm a member of a group called "Information Security", which in turn is a member of "mail archive auditors". Looking at the LDAP query being used to determine my group membership:


Feb  2 14:33:44 mahouts piler-webui[57287]: ldap query: base dn='DC=mydomain,DC=COM', filter='(|(&(objectClass=user)( Last,OU=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=com)))', attr='', 11 hits

I found this link on the subject. I use this for my ldap queries and it allows nested queries

For now my users will be part of the main groups.


Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Thanks for the hint. Can you tell me what part of the code did you change? Perhaps post the diff.

  2. Scott Savarese reporter

    I didn't change anything. I just configured my groups up so that we're direct members of the group. I, sadly, don't have much time to play around with it.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    A custom authentication hook is available in the master branch. If the default LDAP query is not good enough you have an option to write a custom query.

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