RPM package for Centos 6

Issue #500 closed
Scott Savarese created an issue

The spec file was pretty old and wouldn't build a package. So, here is an update to it and the patch I used to get it to compile and run. The patch includes what you just gave me for the admin user search rights and updates the postinstall script to not query for the /var/www directory and basic stuff that is already predefined since it is an RPM.

While not my best work (probably won't work with an rpmbuild -ta command) I figured I'd give back a bit.



set -x

# Create a temp workspace
tmpdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/rpmXXXXX`
trap "rm -rf $tmpdir" 1 2 3 15

# Build the package
mkdir $tmpdir/SOURCES
cp piler-1.1.0.tar.gz $tmpdir/SOURCES
cp *patch $tmpdir/SOURCES
rpmbuild --define "_topdir $tmpdir" -ba piler.spec

# Copy the RPM to current directory
cp $tmpdir/RPMS/*/*rpm .

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