Problem Smarthost

Issue #507 resolved
Unknown Name created an issue

Hello Jsuto, i have an Problem with the SMTP Status. In the Statumonitor i can read: SMTP-Status:
piler: OK smarthost: ERROR Piler and Smartest are different maschines. piller is x.x.10.252 and SmartHost is x.x.10.254 (both Ports 25) The Smarthost can i reach from the piller with telnet x.x.10.254 25. What are my mistake? Thank You.

Comments (14)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check if you have selinux enabled. Also show me ngrep -x -e port 25 output when you open the healt page.

  2. Unknown Name reporter

    selinux is on both maschines disabled.

    —— ngrep output —————snip————————

    ngrep -x -e port 25 eth0: no IPv4 address assigned: Cannot assign requested address <—— this is because the maschine has an bridge br0 interface: eth0 filter: ( port 25 ) and (ip or ip6)

    T -> [S]

    T -> [AS]

    T -> [A]

    T -> [AP] 51 55 49 54 0d 0a QUIT..

    T -> [A]

    T -> [AF]

    T -> [AP] 32 32 30 20 73 63 68 77 61 72 7a 65 72 2e 63 6f 220 6d 20 45 53 4d 54 50 20 50 6f 73 74 66 69 78 0d m ESMTP Postfix. 0a .

    T -> [AFP] 32 32 31 20 32 2e 30 2e 30 20 42 79 65 0d 0a 221 2.0.0 Bye..

    T -> [R] 00 00 00 00 00 00 ......

    T -> [R] 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...... ————snip----------------------------

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Dieter Speiser

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Edit view/theme/default/templates/health/worker.tpl, and locate the line having

    if(preg_match("/^220/", $h[1])) {

    and fix it

    if(preg_match("/220/", $h[1])) {

    then let's see if it improves things.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, no problem. Can you edit this file, and display the smtp banner? You have a div class line just below, and it has

    print $status;

    modify it as

    print "*" . $h[1] . "*" . $status;

    then show me the text from the health page.

  5. Unknown Name reporter

    The output is:

    piler: 220 mailarchiver.localhost ESMTPOK smarthost: **ERROR Dieter Speiser

  6. Unknown Name reporter

    when i set an Smarthost from an other Network ( then the Status is OK, but i must take the one in the own Network.

    Dieter Speiser

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Is it possible, that some pregreet delay or other technique is used, so the gui issues the quit command, before it actually gets the 220 banner? At least the ngrep output and the health page output suggest this behaviour.

  8. Unknown Name reporter

    Hallo jsuto,

    i don’t know why, but now is the Status .OK Thank you for time and your motivation!

    Dieter Speiser

  9. Unknown Name reporter

    Hallo jsuto, i am stupid. I have the wrong Smarthost Ip filled in. With (the right SmartHost) it’s not OK Sorry... Dieter Speiser

  10. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Still, your smarthost doesn't like piler, and behaves weird (that must be fixed), see my comments on the 220 smtp banner.

  11. Unknown Name reporter

    Hallo jsuto,

    Sorry, it was my mistake!! Now Smarthost:OK !!! SMTP was not open. Only for localhost.

    Thank You for this great Software. Dieter Speiser

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