Creating Retention rule for Certain group users who are in my zimbra COS/DL

Issue #515 wontfix
Karthick jraj created an issue

Creating Retention rule for a single user works fine. But how to create retention rule for multiple users say i have more than 100 users who have to be in same retention level other that default. Writing rule for each user will be a big work which involes both "from" rule and "to" rule that makes 200 rules to create. Is there any short way like creating a group or importing the COS(Class Of service) from zimbra directly. and writing rule with this group make retention for all the users in the group.

I have tried with the groups options in the piler-gui but it does not work.

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    That's a tough one. The retention calculation based on the group can be done, however what to do when a mail has 3 recipients, and 2 recipients are in the group which involves eg. 90 days retention, but the 3rd recipient is in another (retention) group which involves 180 days retention. How to resolve this conflict?

  2. Karthick jraj reporter

    I dont have the 3rd recipient in another group. i have only two groups which have no recipient in common. So how do we calculate the retention based on group.

  3. Karthick jraj reporter

    Sorry I misunderstood on that part, Do piler not store mail for every user if a single mail is sent for 2/more users. I understood it like deduplication will happen like pointing to the address location of that mail if one or more recipients are in same.

    If a user in "from" and user in "To" from the same domain then the mail should be archived for both the user. If i do a retention rule on User based for "from user A" as 30 days and for the "To user B" as 60 days. Then what will happen ? Which means creating Retention on User based policy is also not going to work I belive ? Correct me if i am wrong.

  4. Karthick jraj reporter

    Our requirement is to create retention policies based on groups and not on users. Each user will be a part of only one group. Hence conflicts will not arise. However if it arise longer duration should win. i.e., the user mail having longer retention should be kept. Is there a way to do retention with groups, If so then how? please guide me.

  5. eXtremeSHOK

    As Junos explained.

    Mailpiler has to be generic enough for most users and robust enough to not have any unexpected behaviors.

    What is the precedence of the retention rules?

    What would happen if the user/domain belongs to two groups?

    What happen if the emails are aliases to 2 domains with different retention policies ?

    Would the group override the users retention or the domains retention policy?

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    piler stores email in a single copy only so I can assign a single retention value to the given email. extremeshok also has a point: perhaps in your case no overlapping, but others may have it, tough the greater value wins may be ok. Let me think about it, and we'll see.

  7. Karthick jraj reporter

    The retention rule which is created first will take first priority. If the user belongs to two groups, which group is on the top of the retention rule. It will take the precedence.

    Where do i create a group for writing retention rule.

  8. nitin patil

    Hi Karthick and kanthanathan,

    Please provide your gmail ID I have some issue i want to contact you for that

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