rc.searchd start as a service conflict

Issue #523 resolved
Ozan H created an issue

Hello Janos,

I installed the mailpiler v1.1.1 from scratch on debian7 amd64. Everything worked fine except I could not start the rc.searchd script under /etc/init.d as a service because it is written like below in script.

# Provides:          sphinxsearch

It must have a different name at "Provides", it conflicts with my current sphinxsearch script installed with sphinx. I want to be able to add the service like

update-rc.d rc.searchd defaults

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Ozan, the fix should be easy: fix the "Provides" tag. Btw. what sphinx version do you use?

  2. Ozan H reporter

    I use sphinx v2.0.4 I already solved it but it was for you to change the script ;) sincerely

  3. Ozan H reporter

    I just changed the rc.searchd script like

    # Provides:          pilersearchd

    and run

    update-rc.d rc.searchd defaults
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