Search based on header / message id / attachment file name

Issue #528 resolved
Crzaccount created an issue

How to enable the search using message id or header or attachment file name.

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately these types of searches are not supported. You just can't search for any possible mail headers, and searching for the attachment name is tricky to implement, though I've been giving a lot thinking to the latter. I'll let you if it will be implemented, however I don't plan to index all email headers.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try the following to enable the search for attachment names. Edit sphinx.conf, and add a new index as follows:

    source att : base
       sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8
       sql_query  =  select as aid, as mid, AS aname, a.size, REPLACE(REPLACE(m.`from`, '@', 'X'), '.', 'X') as `from`, REPLACE(REPLACE((select group_concat(rcpt.`to` ORDER BY `to` ASC SEPARATOR ' ') from rcpt where group by, '@', 'X'), '.', 'X') as `to` from attachment a, metadata m 
    where m.piler_id=a.piler_id
       sql_attr_uint = size
       sql_attr_uint = mid
    index att1
            source                  = att
            path                    = /var/piler/sphinx/att1
            docinfo                 = extern
            dict                    = keywords
            min_prefix_len          = 6
            min_word_len            = 1
            ngram_len               = 1
            ngram_chars             = U+1100..U+2FA1F

    Then as user piler create the new index:

    indexer --rotate att1

    Then restart searchd:


    Finally download the latest master branch, and update the gui (only the gui files!)

    Now try the following search query:

    aname: whatever.doc


    aname: whatever.doc OR image001.jpg

    If you are happy with the result, then add "indexer --rotate att1" to the cron jobs.

    A few limitations: 1. you can't use AND operator in this context. 2. You can't search attachment names and other fields (eg. date) at the same time.

    Note that this may not be the final implementation for searching attachment names. Let me know how it works for you.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check if you have write permissions on the DOCROOT/tmp directory for the webserver. At my installation the bulk download also works.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I still believe that it's a local issue. Show me ls -ld /var/www/html/piler/tmp/

    Btw. I made a typo in the sql query above. It stands as

    where group by

    The correct snippet:

    where group by
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