Mails after reindexing does not show up in gui

Issue #529 resolved
Karthick jraj created an issue

After reindexing i don't see any emails in the GUI, but in metadata it shows up. I have main1 to main4. When tried to query for the message which showed up in metadata everything says something similar to this, MySQL [(none)]> select * from main4 where id=6439; Empty set (0.00 sec)

How do i see all emails back in gui ? Also after issuing "piler purge" i see all my emails even which did not cross retention gets deleted.

The following is my piler -V output.

piler 1.1.0, build 884, Janos SUTO

Build Date: Thu Mar 5 12:38:48 IST 2015 ldd version: ldd (GNU libc) 2.12 gcc version: gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) (GCC) Configure command: ./configure --localstatedir=/var --with-database=mysql --enable-starttls --enable-tcpwrappers

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