From field missing in search results after import

Issue #531 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'm testing the import function using readpst and pilerimport.

I've run readpst -b -M -o /tmp/output pstfile.pst then pilerimport -d /tmp/output

The total number of processed items is consistent with the contents of the output directory. However, when searching for the message in the web ui, the "from" field is empty.

I've noticed that the from email address in the eml message file has escaped quotes in it, ie.

From: \"John Doe\

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please run pilertest against this message, and check the from line. Also check the metadata table's from column if it contains some address.

  2. Andrew Borer

    The from address running pilertest returns

    from: * ()*

    I'm working on checking the table, but I would assume it would contain nothing as well

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If there's some insensitive such email, can you send me that in a zip file to my address? (see piler -V). Btw. I replaced the From line what you typed here, and got the following:

    from: *john doe jdoe mydomain com  (*
  4. Andrew Borer

    I rebuilt my test server from scratch using ubuntu 14.04. The issue with the from field not parsing seems to have been resolved, ( i was using the OVA originally)

    I did however run in to the issue here

    Changing all instances of

    $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,


    $query = $this->sphx->query("SELECT id,sent

    resolved the issue where search results are blank.

    I will continue to test the import process.


  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I have a hard time to figure out why after changing something requires you to fix the sphinx query. Something must be broken, I guess.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It appears that the debian/ubuntu shipped version of sphinx (2.0.4) is not fully compatible with piler. Please use the latest stable (either deb package or source) from

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