Some clarification regarding configuring piler

Issue #552 resolved
Liam Retrams created an issue


I'm using the latest OVA appliance to trial piler. I've got it working mostly but have some questions about the retention and archiving rules, and how they relate to piler

Firstly, lets say I want to archive everything, for say, 3 months (90 days). I look after e-mail for about 10 different domains. I added these 10 domains to piler, and mapped them all to one domain (can someone confirm this is the correct procedure?)

In the documentation it says "piler supports two kinds of policies or rulesets. The archiving rules specify what NOT to archive. The retention rules specifies how long to keep messages in the archive." So this means that since I want to archive everything for 90 days, I do not configure any "Archiving Rules"; but in the "Retention Rules", I set it up like this:


Have I configured everything correctly? Reason I ask is, when I created an auditor user with full auditor permissions, I can't see any emails despite piler saying it has stored some e-mails.



I have also confirmed that for the auditor user, I have added all 10 domains as "search domains" so I don't think this is a security permissions problem.

Any assistance appreciated!

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You did almost completely correctly. If you want to keep all emails for 90 days, then no need for retention rules, simply set the retention period in piler.conf to 90. Note that specifying * in a fields (generally) may not be ok. If you don't want to the To: address for instance, then leave it empty. Regarding the domain mappings: if all those domains belong to the same company, then it's ok what you did. If they belong to different companies, then make sure they are mapped to themselves, eg. domain1 -> domain1, domain2 -> domain2, etc.

    However this topic is more for the mailing list, rather then the issue tracker.

  2. Liam Retrams reporter

    Hi jsuto, thanks for the fast reply -- didn't realise there was a mailing list.

    Can you clarify a bit and tell me how I can do the retention rules properly? My concern is in the future if we add more domains and I need to make 1 domain retain for 90 days and another domain for 180 then I'll have a problem.

    If I don't use * in the fields, what expression should I put in there to match everything?

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