Issue #574 resolved
Mihai Badea created an issue

Hi again!

I configured piler to authenticate with LDAP and it is working allright. However, I can't seem to see the menufor admin (like health, statistics, etc.) I configured a group called PilerAdmins in LDAP and I added my user to that group. Whenever I login I see only the search menu, not the menu for admin. Here is the representative part from my config-site.php:

$config['ENABLE_LDAP_AUTH'] = 1; $config['LDAP_HOST'] = 'localhost';

$config['LDAP_BASE_DN'] = 'CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local';

$config['LDAP_HELPER_DN'] = 'CN=Domain Admin,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local'; $config['LDAP_HELPER_PASSWORD'] = 'XXXXXXXX';

$config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'mail'; $config['LDAP_ACCOUNT_OBJECTCLASS'] = 'posixAccount';

$config['LDAP_AUDITOR_MEMBER_DN'] = 'CN=PilerAuditors,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local'; $config['LDAP_ADMIN_MEMBER_DN'] = 'CN=PilerAdmins,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=local';

Is there something else I need to edit/set?

Comments (2)

  1. Mihai Badea reporter

    I think I left out something...


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