Issue Displaying very large emails

Issue #579 resolved
Micky Arter created an issue

We have some users with very large emails (large attachments) that have been imported in to piler. The emails range from 50Mb up to 200MB. (yes I know they should not be sending email that large) When searching the archive you can see these emails but if you select them they do not display Is there anything that can be done to resolve this?



Comments (10)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    A 200 MB email? Oh, Dear! I bet php is short available cpu and / or memory. You should set php.ini, and tune up variables, eg. max_memory_limit, post_max_size and max_execution_time variables (their actual name might differ). PHP may need 3-400 MB of memory to process such a huge email. Note that to display such a mail requires a long time to process for the gui. So after clicking on it, be patient.

  2. Micky Arter reporter

    I will look at this towards the end of this will and feed back to you then.



  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Perhaps a loading anigif might help, at least to give a visual clue that something is happening.

  4. Micky Arter reporter

    Sorry For the delay in responding. I have looked at the PHP.ini and have managed to get the large email displaying . for mails up to 150MB memory_limit needs setting to be 1024M For emails of 250MB memory_limit needs setting to be 2048M

    This allows them to display. I am still having and issue with two of the large emails in the fact that when they are clicked on a completely different message displays. Would this be down to an issue with the messages themselves?



  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    These are insane values for the memory_limit :-) Anyway if it's what it takes to make it work, I don't mind it.

    The mixing of the 2 messages issue looks odd. When you click on it, check if the subject, sender, recipient in the upper pane match the respective values in the lower (preview) pane.

  6. Micky Arter reporter

    I agree these memory values are insane but so is the fact that the users were allowed to send email of 250MB :@) The header values the preview pane do not match the values listed in the search as below


    The interesting thing is the email shown in the preview pane should have no attachments and if I download this has an EML not attachments are present. However you can clearly see several attachment in the preview pane and can download these from the links in the preview pane.



  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    15 attachments? Nice. I suspect that php has not enough memory to compose the original message from the mime parts. To prove/wrong my hypothesis check the php logs for any trouble. For the incorrect previewed message, I suggest to destory the sphinx indices, then reindex everything. See the process in the FAQ.

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