Pilerimport from exchange - segmentation fault

Issue #580 resolved
Micky Arter created an issue

Hi again,

We are trying to import Current mail boxes from exchange 2010 into our mailpiler using the following

pilerimport -i mail.domain.com -u domain.com/superuser/username -p superpassword

the import starts as it should but then after 100 messages we get a Segmentation fault and the import aborts. If we rerun the import we get the first 100 message showing as duplicates ( as it should) but the a segmentation fault and the import aborts

We are running the version 1.2.0 - master build 915

please advise



Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Get the 101th message from the imap server, and try to feed it to pilerimport -e (ie. importing a single email), and let's see what happens.

    Btw. is there any clue in the logs what happened? Also check the network traffic, and make sure pilerimport can read the complete email over imap. It's likely that a remote troubleshooting and debugging is necessary to nail down the issue.

  2. Micky Arter reporter

    I will try this ,but just to let you know I have tried three different user's mail boxes and all do the same. and it always on the 100th email

  3. Micky Arter reporter

    Confirmation this happens always after the 100th message. Tested importing that message by itself fine. now tried four different user mail boxes and they all get the segmentation fault after the 100th message P.S. what log should I be locking in I cannot see anything unusual in the mail.log Micky

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The other logs in /var/log. Anyway I can't tell anything more without seeing what you have. If a remote troubleshoot is ok, then let's discuss it via skype (janos.suto).

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It seems that the mysql logging caused an issue in the master branch. I've removed it. Additionally I'll let the imap and pop3 connection timeout to be user definable.

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