Problems on Imported outgoing Mail

Issue #589 resolved
Martin Weber created an issue


I have some Problems with imported E-Mails from Outlook PST.

After extract the PST to multiple EML-Files, some outgoing Mails have "FROM: 'Customer Service' <MAIL-DEAMON>" in the Header. After importing the mail the fields v_messages.from and v_messages.fromdomain are empty.

How can I fix this problem or reimport/update this Mails?

Comments (6)

  1. eXtremeSHOK

    What did you use to extract the pst's ?

    Were they internal emails ?

    Do the headers need to be rewritten ?

  2. Martin Weber reporter


    I have extract the Mails with readpst (Default debian package).

    The Mails were send from internal to external customers. The Headers did not rewrite on outgoing.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please select a few messages, and verify that the headers look OK, ie. having proper From, To, Date, Received lines. If readpst extracted From: <MAILER-DAEMON> then piler wouldn't be able to do much to fix it.

  4. Martin Weber reporter

    Hi, incoming mails are ok. They have all required fiels. Only outgoing mails have this Problem. The mails were send from outlook and then moved to the archive. later the archive is import to mailpiler.

    Is there a method that i can edit the eml header and reimport this files?

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Not easily. The emails are encrypted and compressed, and 2 checksums are stored for them. So you have to recover the original message, edit it, then compress, and encrypt it, and finally fix the checksums in the metadata table. The other option is to run readpst again if necessary, extract the messages, and fix them before importing. You should purge the archive, and make it empty before importing, see the FAQ for details.

    Anyway it's not a bug at all, not even a major one...

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