Google authenticate code

Issue #604 duplicate
Former user created an issue


Hope you can help me i'm kinda new to mail archive software i wanted to enable google authenticate in the admin panel under settings then i tried to login back in and my login page show now send Google authenticate code i did reset the GA in the MySQL table under user_settings doesn't seems to work i did enable write to syslog but no error that i can find what it was causing this.


Comments (9)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    What version, what authentication method? I'd appreciate if you could format your issue, adding sentence starts, endings, etc.

  2. chris van zyl

    Sorry for the late response i got the latest version 1.1.1 and my authentication method straight forward imap authentication and i use google OAuth 2.0

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The GA settings was enabled for local auth only, however I've improved latest master branch (see the download section). So the fix is to upgrade.

  4. chris van zyl

    I think its something to do with this line in the index.php file

    if($session->get("ga_block") == 1 && $request->get['route'] != 'login/logout' ) { $action = new Router('login/ga');

    I just want to access my local admin panel and add a domain

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I got it: apply the following diff, and it will solve the problem:

    diff --git a/webui/controller/login/login.php b/webui/controller/login/login.php
    index c9aafc2..b4142a4 100644
    --- a/webui/controller/login/login.php
    +++ b/webui/controller/login/login.php
    @@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ class ControllerLoginLogin extends Controller {
           $this->data['title'] = $this->data['text_login'];
           $this->data['title_prefix'] = TITLE_PREFIX;
    +      if(strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "logout.php")) {
    +         logout();
    +      }
           $this->data['failed_login_count'] = $this->model_user_auth->get_failed_login_count();
  6. chris van zyl

    I got it working again what i did is i created a new MySQL data base and set it to use new data base and then i could login then went to the settings page in admin panel and change uptick google authentication, i didn't click save yet, then i change it back to my old database in the config and then click save. very strange but it seems to work the trick

    Thank you for your help

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