I get /bain/bash konnte nicht ausgeführt werden when starting rc.searchd

Issue #606 invalid
Former user created an issue

please can you help me to find, where the typo is?

I get " /bain/bash konnte nicht ausgeführt werden " when starting rc.searchd with the command

service rc.searchd start on debian 7


Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    This must be a local typo in rc.searchd. Locate the file, and check the first line. It should stand as

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm confident that the problem is on your system. I've just performed the following search:

    find piler-1.1.1 -type f|xargs grep bain

    and it didn't find anything.

  3. cormaran

    Ok. I found the typo. It was the shell of the user who runs piler in /etc/passwd.

    Thanks for your help.

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