show date/time in search result grid

Issue #608 resolved
Marnus van Wyk created an issue

Good day

Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS, piler 1.1.1

I would first like to say this project is extremely good (awesome!). I had very few problems with installation and configuration, and it is working flawlessly. SSO, in Outlook config and everything else is working far far better than expected than most opensource projects. Congratulations on a project very well run and maintained!

My reason for creating the issue is just some very minor adjustments that would be nice. I've gone through the php frontend code, but it is unfortunately beyond me. MVC? So i could not help myself very far.

2 things

I would like to just put a link down on the logout page somewhere to allow admin login, just a link to /login.php, so that i don't get SSO'd to my own mailbox, but that i can SSO, or then select to login.php without changing the address bar every time. It is a non-issue for user. But it would allow easy switch while troubleshooting any issues as an admin.

The search shows date, but you cannot see time, so when your sorting a busy day you can't easy see which way is up or down. You may be looking for a mail in the morning from 2 weeks ago. It would be nice as maybe an optional display theme to say, show date, or show date and time in the results grid so you can see which way it is sorting.

and that is it!

Thank you very much for this excellent project!

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Marnus, I'm glad that you like piler.

    Well, if you have ENABLE_SSO_LOGIN enabled, then logout provides a link back to sso.php, otherwise to login.php. If you are sure that your users wouldn't logout, then tweak view/theme/default/templates/login/logout.tpl to make the link fix to login.php

    The search date can be fixed by editing DATE_TEMPLATE which defaults to 'Y.m.d.' Put it to config-site.php, and change it to meet your needs. Be sure to check if the date column is wide enough to hold the hour, minute and second values.

    Btw. the gui is written in mvc. I've derived it from opencart (long ago). Anyway the concept is easy to understand: the logic is in the "model" directory, the controllers are in "controller" directory, and the html templates are in "view/theme/default/templates" directory.

  2. Marnus van Wyk reporter

    Absolutely! No news is always good news. Both requests sorted out yesterday, things just work really slow here, way to many concurrent projects.

    For those looking to do it as well, here is the exact string for config-site.php

    $config['DATE_TEMPLATE'] = 'Y.m.d H:i:s';

    Result is this

    I also managed the link to admin login on the logout page.

    Thank you very much for your clear assistance on exactly what to do!

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