Piler import

Issue #614 resolved
chris van zyl created an issue


I would like someone to help me please i setup all the users in the admin panel +- 100 email accounts and i did set my postfix to bcc all mail to archive@domain can someone tell me how searchd or piler fetch the mails from the archive email address or do u have to import the emails manually.


Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Piler start acquiring emails from the moment postfix copies emails to piler. If you don't have any legacy / older email to be archived, then you are done. If you have older data and you want it in the archive, then you must import it manually. The exact method depends on where you have those emails.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Reopen if it doesn't make sense, though I believe this question is more like a topic for the mailing list.

  3. chris van zyl reporter

    I had a work around using Postfix and Piler on one host what i did is i setup some transport map in Postfix and i was able to get piler working on the same host and in the config.php made change there ass well to get mail via archive address i setup.

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