Password change on webui

Issue #62 resolved
Peter Molnar created an issue

May I kindly ask for password change option in webui. I think it would be great if the user can change his or her password.

Comments (27)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    just set $config['PASSWORD_CHANGE_ENABLED'] = 1; in config-site.php and it makes the password changing form visible.

    However it looked weird on the devel site, so you may want to try replacing view/theme/default/templates/user/settings.tpl with the attached file.

  2. Peter Molnar reporter

    Thank you for the clarification. I found it and changed in the config.php. You can close the issue.

  3. Peter Molnar reporter
    • changed status to open

    Ok, now I have the option, but I've tried to change password, but I've got a Page not found message. Should I change any other thing in the config?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The config is fine. There's a typo in view/theme/default/templates/user/settings.tpl Please replace: "index.php?route=common/home" with "settings.php"

    I'll commit the fix to the master branch soon.

  5. vinay parit

    Hi, I failed to change password for auditor@local in setting

    I getting bellow error

    "Failed to change password."

  6. vinay parit

    I have installed this in Debian Jessie 8.8. piler 1.2.0 sphinx search 2.3.2-beta-1~jessie amd64

    I do not see any of log update when i change password

  7. Clifton Grimm

    I'm having a similar problem - I don't see any errors in the log, but when I enable $config['PASSWORD_CHANGE_ENABLED'] = 1, and then attempt to change the password, it fails with "Failed to change password." I read this thread, and changed the "index.php?route=common/home" to "settings.php", but it still fails.

    I'm running 1.3.1 build 956 on an updated OVA install - Linux mailarchive 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.96-2 x86_64 GNU/Linux


  8. Clifton Grimm

    I neglected to add that I'm using Apache - sorry about that. Nevertheless, Apache does not report any error - I see in the logs where the change is sent in a POST request to settings.php, but there is no error recorded, and the UI still responds "Failed to change password."

  9. Clifton Grimm

    I'm still having this issue - I get no errors, and the UI simply is responding that the password change failed. The password change is indeed failing as well. Any other thoughts?

  10. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check if view/theme/default/templates/user/settings.tpl has the following at the bottom:

    <form name="pwdchange" action="settings.php" method="post" autocomplete="off">

    Then I'd like to see what's going on after you click on the submit button, eg. apache/php error logs, whatever is relevant.

  11. Clifton Grimm

    The view/theme/default/templates/user/settings.tpl file does have that form information at the bottom - seems to be correct.

    After you click submit, I see the POST in the piler-access.log file: "POST /settings.php HTTP/1.1" 200 2812

    But there is nothing recorded any of the error.log files at that time that I can find.

    Is there some configuration that I should check in Apache for that settings.php to function?

  12. Clifton Grimm

    Yes - I want the local user to be able to change their own password for security reasons. I can change it in the Admin area, but the user cannot change it on their page.

  13. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then try the following: get the latest master branch, and copy the webui directory to /var/piler/www2 or similar place. Configure your website to access it with a different url (not affecting current users). Copy your current config-site.php to /var/piler/www2 directory. Then edit config.php, and locate the line referencing to config-site.php, and fix it. Then I'd like you to try the password change using the latest gui.

  14. Clifton Grimm

    Ok - I temporarily used the master branch and replaced my /var/piler/www directory with the contents of webui, and now I get the following error from any page in the ui:

    Error: SQLSTATE[42000] [1115] Unknown character set: 'DB_CHARSET' on database: piler

  15. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Copy from the root dir of the piler source to /var/piler/www (and then fix the reference to config-site.php). Anyway config.php should have the following:

    define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4');

  16. Clifton Grimm

    Ok, that update of config.php fixed the SQL error, but the password change still gives an error of "Failed to change password."

  17. Janos SUTO repo owner

    My bad. Edit model/user/auth.php, and locate the following line:

    public function change_password($username = '', $password = '') {

    It has this line inside the function:

    $query = $this->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USER . " SET password=? WHERE username=?", array(crypt($password), $username));

    Now, replace it with this one, and you'll be fine:

    $query = $this->db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_USER . " SET password=? WHERE uid=(SELECT uid FROM " . TABLE_EMAIL . " WHERE email=?)", array(crypt($password), $username));

    If it works, then you may revert to the 1.3.1 gui, and apply this fix there as well.

  18. Clifton Grimm

    That fixed it! Thank you! Password changes work now - and in 1.3.1 as well, with the change applied. Thanks!

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