ldap user can't login

Issue #627 resolved
vinay garg created an issue

i have put these entry in config-site.php file

$config['ENABLE_LDAP_AUTH'] = 1; $config['LDAP_HOST'] = ''; $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'mail'; $config['LDAP_ADMIN_MEMBER_DN'] = 'vd=example.co.in,o=virtual,dc=example,dc=co,dc=in'; $config['LDAP_BASE_DN'] = 'o=virtual,dc=exmaple,dc=co,dc=in';

$config['ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH'] = 1; $config['IMAP_HOST'] = ''; $config['IMAP_PORT'] = 143;

user login check by telnet 143, successfully login. Mailpiler is installed on imap and ldap authenticating remotely, but if i try to login on, user can't login. even admin@local can't login. Check in screenshot. ldap is working file with other outlook. when i commented ldap attribute in config file, user(admin@local) can login.

selinux disabled, iptables flushed, php-ldap installed

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    For starters, I suggest to use a hostname (and it must be specified in config-site.php), not an ip.address for the archive. Then try it again, let me know if it solves the problem.

  2. vinay garg reporter

    Kindly check for users:- Nov 2 14:26:26 localhost piler-webui[13907]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (@from dhirendraXsinghXexampleXcoXin | @to dhirendraXsinghXexampleXcoXin) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 0.20 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

    Nov 2 14:28:27 localhost piler-webui[2250]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (@from vinayXgargXexampleXcoXin | @to vinayXgargXexampleXcoXin) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 0.01 s, 1 hits, 1 total found

    If i login on piler-webgui using user@example.com password=xxxxx

    Nov 2 14:34:31 localhost piler-webui[25919]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (@from vinayXgargXexampleXcom | @to vinayXgargXisgecXcom) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 1.90 s, 1236 hits, 1236 total found

    I have upgrade piler-1.1.0 to master branch by using mysql -u piler -p piler < /root/master/util/db-upgrade-1.1.0-vs-1.2.0.sql

    Kindly suggest..

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm confused. The from and to addresses in last log entry don't look consistent. Then if you logged in using user@example.com password=xxxxx at the second time, how did you login in the first time? How come that I can see two different search queries for the first login? Try again please, and make sure to obfuscate consistently.

  4. vinay garg reporter

    Hi Jsuto,

    Now check for users:- Nov 3 16:25:30 localhost piler-webui[2240]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (from vinayXgargXexampleXcoXin | to vinayXgargXexampleXcoXin) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 0.01 s, 1 hits, 1 total found

    Nov 3 16:27:40 localhost piler-webui[13910]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (from dhirendraXsinghXexampleXcoXin | to dhirendraXsinghXexampleXcoXin) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 0.20 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

    If i login on piler-webgui using user@example.com password=xxxxx

    Nov 3 16:32:31 localhost piler-webui[25918]: sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('( @(subject,body) example.com ) & (from vinayXgargXexampleXcom | to vinayXgargXexampleXcom) ') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,18000 OPTION max_matches=18000' in 1.90 s, 1236 hits, 1236 total found

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    "Then if you logged in using user@example.com password=xxxxx at the second time, how did you login in the first time? How come that I can see two different search queries for the first login?"

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then my bet is that the used gui doesn't support the custom email query. Grab the latest master branch, and upgrade the gui, and let's try it again. When you login, click on the settings, and verify that the @example.com domain address is also added.

  7. vinay garg reporter

    For upgrade, i had download master branch and run mysql -u piler -p piler < /root/master/util/db-upgrade-1.1.0-vs-1.2.0.sql

    Is it sufficient for upgradation from piler 1.1.0 to master branch?

  8. vinay garg reporter

    i have run same. i had login using admin@local then check setting my other domain @example.com is not added, as i had already mention(@example.com) in config-site.php.

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I'd take a look via teamviewer to see what's going on. If it's ok, then contact me on skype (janos.suto).

  10. vinay garg reporter

    thanks jsuto..

    Now working fine..

    PRoblem was webgi was not updated. so we update that.

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