Import from network share

Issue #630 resolved
Tim Stumbo created an issue

Is it possible to import a folder of .EML files utilizing a network share?

I tried using the following command without any luck.

pilerimport -d \\EML

I've looked through all the tickets and searched the WEB but haven't found anything on this.


Comments (8)

  1. Tim Stumbo reporter

    Where can I find that command in the documentation, I've looked through it but don't see it. Thanks

  2. eXtremeSHOK

    This is linux, the mount commands are specific to what ever you are mounting. eg. SSHFS / SSMB / NFS

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Extremeshok is right, you need the to mount somehow the share to the archive. The exact command depends on what kind of share you have. Provide more information, and we may give further hints.

  4. Tim Stumbo reporter

    Wanted to post what I found just in case someone else needs help with this issue.

    I had to install the cifs utility by using this command "apt-get install cifs-utils"

    I then was able to mount the network share containing my EML files using this command...

    mount -t cifs -o username=administrator,password=password-here /mnt/EML

    Thanks for the help!

  5. Tim Stumbo reporter

    Ok I thought I had it working. I know the mounted folder is correct because I can look into the directory and see the EML files.

    However, when I run the command pilerimport -d ~/mnt/EML I'm getting an error stating "cannot write current directory!"

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    See the FAQ for the answer. Also it's worth to read the docs, it also explains the situation.

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