Number of mails not showing correctly

Issue #635 resolved
Philip Deubner created an issue

I installed Piler 1.1.0 on a CentOS system. It is running smoothly, but when logging into an auditor account, my expectation is to see the whole numer of imported emails. In fact, it only shows the first page of results saying


Using the search is possible, but I would like to see how many mails are in there and if using the search, I want to see all related results and not only the first set of. How can I achieve this? Thank you for your help, br,


Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hmm, odd. What does the sphinx query say in the maillog? Btw. why don't you try 1.1.1? It has some improvements over 1.1.0.

  2. Philip Deubner reporter

    The sphinx query says

    sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH('') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,50 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 50 hits, 0 total found

    When trying the 1.1.1 on my homeserver, I faces some issues that only could be resolved by a downgrade - that is why I chose the 1.1.0. Is there an upgrade path?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    What sphinx version do you have? And what issues did you face with 1.1.1 (and not with 1.1.1)?

  4. Philip Deubner reporter

    I use Sphinx 2.0.8. Concerning the issues, I had to check. If I remember correctly, I was unable to set up the GUI correctly with 1.1.1.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The installation docs says clearly that 2.0.x sphinx is not ok, and you should use 2.2.x. Anyway if you insist on 2.0.8 then edit model/search/search.php, and check for sql statements like "select id ... from ....", and fix it to "select * from ..."

  6. Philip Deubner reporter

    I seemingly followed an outdated documentation on another website. Is there a possibility to directly update sphinx or do I have to go the "stony" way of dropping the old databases, remove old sphinx and rebuilding piler based on the new sphinx version?

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'd do the following.

    1. Backup /var/piler/sphinx directory.
    2. Upgrade sphinx to 2.2.10, then start searchd normally. Note that it may print some warnings. Then check if the emails are shown properly.

    If it doesn't work, then either drop your sphinx indices or apply the above workaround fixing a few select queries.

  8. Philip Deubner reporter

    Tried it yesterday and it works great for "new" (= imported after the change) messages. After the change, I saw a count of 40 mails in the auditor view, but no emails itself. I hit indexer --all with a result of no emails being shown in the count section. The emails that were regularly imported afterwards are showing up, tried to solve the situation now with /usr/local/libexec/piler/ as piler - hopefully this will do it...

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    indexer --all should be run at install time only. Its function is to reset or initialize the sphinx database. So if the main1.* files are small, then you should do the sphinx upgrade, drop the index data, then reindex everything.

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