Import stops processing...

Issue #636 resolved
My Account created an issue

So I am trying really hard to convert as many pst's as possible and then import them into piler.....but the issue I am having is "sometimes" my import will stop or get stuck and will no longer process. Which then I cannot look to see what it HAS processed, which means I have to start the import process ALL OVER again. This is extremely time consuming.

So I have a couple of questions:

  1. Is there a way to tell which folders have been processed, so that I may be able to delete them and just continue the import with the remaining folders??

  2. Is there a quicker way to convert and import? I have scripts that go out and convert pst to correct format and then another script I use to import them. Any other helpful information would be greatly appreciated.

Comments (11)

  1. eXtremeSHOK

    You need to convert/extract the pst's into separate eml files, I suggest you use a commercial utility (there are basically 2 to choose from)

    Depending on the volume of eml files, either use pilerimport directly or a custom script.

    I have commercial scripts which will do parallel importing of those eml files spread throughout various directory trees, 16x faster than the standard piler import, was written for a 10million+ email import.

    ______. .________

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Another option is to use the -r flag of pilerimport. It makes pilerimport remove the successfully processed emails. So when you run it the next time, you don't have to process over and over again some emails,

  3. My Account reporter

    Can you please provide me with those commercial utilities you're talking about or a better way to code the process.
    You stated to use the -r flag which would be helpful...but if you have another utility that makes it 16x faster than the default I am super interested in that utility.
    Please let me know ASAP!! :)


    Mike Lee

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I can't give it to you, its not mine. Ask extremeshok on the matter. Until you make the deal it's worth to give a shot to the -r option.

  5. My Account reporter

    So my following command in my script is this: pilerimport -d /var/tmp/import_pst/ Do I just put the -r at the end of that command like so? pilerimport -d /var/tmp/import_pst/ -r Let me know.
    Also, I went to that website, but when I registered it attached me to someone else's profile information and seemed pretty you have a better contact for them?


    Mike Lee

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, just add the -r option.

    I believe that extremeshok is reading this topic, and he will contact you soon.

  7. My Account reporter


    Can you tell me how to get a hold of that script (how much and where to get it)? I have psts that I am converting with this command first to get a proper format for importing:

    readpst -D -M -q /var/piler/psts/*.pst

    Then after that and with the -r that jsuto suggested I then run the following command to import:

    pilerimport -d /var/tmp/import_pst/ -r

    This takes a long time, so if you have a better way and MUCH faster way to do this with piler, I really need it as I have thousands and thousands of PSTs I've had to convert and import and it's taken me all year and I am only half way completed.

    PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to get my hands on that utility.


  8. My Account reporter

    Why did you mark this resolved? I haven't received anything to make the process faster or keep it from stopping??

    Thanks, Mike Lee

  9. eXtremeSHOK

    I contacted you directly via your bitbucket profile with my contact details.

    So pretty much this is closed

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