Pilerimport not deleteing mails with -r option

Issue #649 closed
Former user created an issue

If I'm using "pilerimport -i server01 -u journaluser -p journalpw -f Inbox -r" piler will not delete any Mail from the IMAP Server.

The Piler documentation says "IMPORTANT! pilerimport doesn't change or delete the imported file, only reads it." But if I'm looking in the source there is the "-r" described "Remove imported emails".

Pilerversion: 1.2.0-pre1


Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try the master branch (see the Downloads section). There has been a fix regarding imap message delete after import. After recompiling checkout util/db-upgrade-1.1.1-vs-1.2.0.sql script if there's something to fix regarding the sql scheme.

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