Only 1000 results viewable within the Piler Audit web interface

Issue #652 closed
My Account created an issue

So when I do a search for something if there are more than a 1000 results, it will never show me more than 1000. For instance in the following screenshots you can see it states 2273 but only lets me see up to 1000....what is up with that and how can I change that if I need to?

1.png 2.png

Comments (3)

  1. eXtremeSHOK

    Lol @major priority

    Please Search the bitbucket issues, there is a guide and info to set this to any number you want. We limit ours to 100000 for our servers

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The search engine in the background (ie. sphinx) doesn't return each and every single message matching the search criteria. It's a feature, not a bug. The number between ( and ) indicates the number of total matching emails. It's for your information making you aware that you may have more hits that you can see. It allows you to refine the query, or to fix it to show the rest.

    Anyway, please do read the FAQ, since it covers this "issue":

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