mail verfication

Issue #661 invalid
chris van zyl created an issue

Hello again hope you guys can help me please i got my piler up and running battle for few weeks with it. I couldn't start my piler nor running pilerget command i did post a topic few weeks ago "piller start"

I did managed to make some chances on my sql server and used a older version piler files and did some chances.

So i would like someone to advise me if i get mail verification in Gui in terminal it works fine via piletget command i know its something in my config causing the issue. please kindly assist me.

Comments (30)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Tell me more, eg. what piler version, if anything has changed (version or config) since the installation. Also check the mail logs if there's any clue.

  2. chris van zyl reporter

    Ok I'm running piler-1.1.1 i saw in my log file error of cannot read my piler.key file i did managed to fix that and error was gone but still mail verification so i reindex all my mails waited to finished and now my search doesn't work at all show zero hits.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm curious if the reindexing would solve the problem, because reindexing and the verification problem have nothing to do with each other. Reindexing is for regenerating the sphinx indices. The verification problem stems from the differences of the stored hash values in mysql for the message, and the computed hash values from the retrieved message.

    If the problem persists, then I'd recommend you to double check if the installation is proper, eg. you have setuid flags on some piler binaries, ownerships, permissions, etc.

  4. chris van zyl reporter

    Hello sorry for the late response. ok I got it working again the searchd but now tells me still mail verification failed but my attachments working fine but no message header it gives me error of ( Warning: Illegal string offset 'has_journal' in ///piler/view/theme/default/templates/message/headers.tpl on line 23)

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Then it must be some sort of journaling issue on the piler side. Does this issue affect all emails or only some emails?

  6. chris van zyl reporter

    All my emails and if my cron jobs run of the following /usr/local/libexec/piler/ /usr/local/libexec/piler/ /usr/bin/find /var/www/piler/tmp -type f -name i.* -exec rm -f {} \;

    It remove my old store emails and only show the latest ones.

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Not sure if I get it right, but what I understand is that all of your journaled emails are affected. If that's the case, can you send me such a complete email as an attachment to my address (see piler -V)? Also I'd like to see a screenshot of the verification problem. Btw. do you receive emails via the piler daemon or the pilerimport utility?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, try the following. Hover over the download link, you'll see the serial number of the message. Then get the piler_id from the metadata table:

    select piler_id from metadata where id=123;

    Replace 123 with the serial you'll see.

    The run pilerget 40000......674, and see what happens (also check the mail log). Replace 400000....674 with the actual piler_id.

  9. chris van zyl reporter

    Ok it gets the id and pilerget gets the show the email. screenshots: link(metaid) image3.PNG */index.php?route=message/download&id=69114

    mysql search: image4.PNG

    piler id


    pilerget id via terminal


  10. chris van zyl reporter

    I can but there is a bit sensitive information there any other way i can send it plz

  11. Janos SUTO repo owner

    One method could be what I just asked: send me a plain old email directly. However, I don't get it: I can see a has_journaling warning, though I can't see any journaling headers. What mail server do you have?

  12. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I don't follow. What's the problem that it caused you to increase the severity of the issue?

  13. chris van zyl reporter

    I do apologize for the inconvenient i am using it on a live system and want to get things going.

  14. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Just tried to import your email, and it seems just fine in the gui. Can we setup a teamviewer session to see what's wrong? If so, then find me on skype (janos.suto)

  15. chris van zyl reporter

    Thank you

    I busy redo everything again just to double check if piler build my libmysqlclient correctly. I will let you know if i did win.

  16. Janos SUTO repo owner

    In what timezone are you? [...] Never mind, I've figured it out :-) Give me some possible times when it's ok for you.

  17. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, how about tomorrow 10:00 AM in your timezone? I believe that it would be 9:00 for me.

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