email re-import

Issue #67 resolved
Peter Molnar created an issue

I have a problem with re-importing mail. It looks like that the first import of the mails wasn't successful. I have no idea, why. Anyway, we found a mail, which is already imported, it has 8 attachments. On webui the email is a blank email, the subject of the mail is empty, and there are no attachments. I have the original mail and I would like to re-import, but pilerimport detects the duplicate. I removed the Message ID form the message header, because my piler already set up to import without message ID, see below the maillog. I could definitely import something, but I can't find it. Should I remove the mail from the database to reimport?

I changed only the names of the attachments, but the INSERT line is weird for me....

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you locate the previously imported email in the metadata table? If so, please show me the output of pilerget <piler_id>. Also let's see the files in the store directory. If your piler_id is 4000..510..abcd, then the path is /var/piler/store/510/ab/cd/4000...510...abcd.*

    The second import looks fine according to the attached log. It's not necessary to change the attachments, I don't think it matters. Rather try the pilerget utility again. If it produces a normal output, then I think perhaps the sphinx indexing didn't run to process new data. And last, check if you have any pending messages in the sph_index table. If so, then run the sphinx indexer.

  2. Peter Molnar reporter

    Finally the second message showed up, so the import was OK. I m not sure if readpst messed up the things? I have to admit I worked from another source in the second import, I exported only this particular mail out from Outlook to a pst file and extracted by readpst after. The first import was from another pst file... The pilerget gave me an empty message also, only the headers are included. Anyway, if I delete the message from the, metadata table, is it possible to reimport it?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, it's possible, but you should remove its attachments as well. And to prevent false sphinx hits to this soon to be non-existing message, you should set the 'deleted' coulmn to 1 for this message, then run the indexer, and then you may delete it from the metadata table.

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