Archiv with two keys?

Issue #670 closed
sela created an issue

Hi there,

I had to reinstall my piler installation and migrated the old archiv to a the new installation. I moved all the data but unfortunately I did not change the IV var...

So I have know the situation, that I have a mixed archiv. There are old mails with the old key and new mails with the new key in the same archiv. The new mails are not accessible, as I change the old key afterwards.

Is there a way to run piler with 2 keys? Or migrate one to the other? Or if non the above: delete mails after date XX.XX.XXXX?

Thank you

b regards mf3hd

P.s.: Thank you very much for the great work on this!

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm aware of the pain the iv parameter may cause, so in recent builds it's set to an empty value. However unfortunately piler can't use 2 iv parameters (note that the key is the same).

    So I'd suggest you to stop the piler daemon, revert the iv to the old value, then export all old emails. Then restore the new value for iv, then export the new emails. Finally reset the archive, eg. drop all sphinx indices, recreate sql tables, and drop /var/piler/store/00/* dirs. The last step is to start the piler daemon, and import both old and new emails. I hope you can make it.

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