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Issue #674 invalid
Mathias Lehner created an issue

Hello, I've the same issue again, the Piler server just shows the welcome screen without any login. There are no solutions in the other solved issues (last one was solved via Teamviewer), so I have to post this one again. Sorry for that. I installed the ova appliance from your website and configured all neccessary files mentioned in the readme file and in the deployment guide. The configuration was made manually without copy and paste, also a new installation did not help. Could you please provide me a solution for this issue. Thank you very much. Regards Mathias

Comments (2)

  1. Mathias Lehner reporter

    some more info for you:

    Piler build 935 ova appliance

    /usr/local/etc/piler.conf hostid set to archive.mydomain.com

    /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/piler.conf server name set to archive.mydomain.com

    /etc/resolv.conf changed search entry and both nameservers to my DNS servers

    /etc/hosts changed debian.yourdomain.com to debian.mydomain.com

    /etc/network/interfaces changed to right settings, my DNS server and dns-search to mydomain.com

    /etc/localtime not changed at the moment

    /var/piler/www/config-site.php site_name set to archive.mydomain.com, piler host set to right ip, smarthost set to exchange ip

    /etc/nginx/sites-available/piler.conf set server_name to archive.mydomain.com


    Open browser and point to archive.mydomain.com and I just see Welcome to nginx!

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's not a bug at all, not even a minor one. Your nginx configuration must be messed. Check out the nginx logs to see what's happening. Don't be afraid to enable debug logging for a while. The point is that the piler related virtual host config has to be present in the nginx config.

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