Improper mail restoration

Issue #675 closed
magdumfaizul created an issue

Recently i installed piler as mention in the form for testing with the below version. -sh-4.1$ piler -v piler 1.1.1, build 904, Janos SUTO

Build Date: Sun Dec 13 07:53:51 IST 2015 ldd version: ldd (GNU libc) 2.12 gcc version: gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11) (GCC)

After change my piler hostname , I am facing the following errors while restoring the mails along with the mail body .Each restored mails got error like this. * **------=_Part_164_1109759112.14598, ------=_Part_0_509949339.14598, ------=_Part_2_2015439766.14598

Comments (10)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    How do you restore the email? Smtp or imap delivery? Can you compare the original email and the retrieved email? Are they the same or are they different?

  2. magdumfaizul reporter

    Mails restored via smtp. deleted the original mail before restoring and after restore from piler i can see only difference is this thing attached (------=_Part_164_1109759112.14598 ) .But content and subject are same.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'd like you to get another email, but please keep the original (ie. on the mail server), and compare them.

  4. magdumfaizul reporter

    As you said I kept the original mail and restored same mail .I get same error pls find the attachment. you can see the error in top of the following attachment, beneath mails are original .


  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you send me an insensitive email having the same problem like this? I'd analyze it, and fix the problem.

  6. magdumfaizul reporter

    I could not send mails to outside it is only for testing purpose. Please tell me , can i attach any screenshots of the mails?

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You can, but it wouldn't help, since I need the original data, ie. the eml file to import it to my test system, and figure out the problem. I can't proceed without it.

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