Basic export commands??

Issue #682 invalid
My Account created an issue


I am on version 1.1.0 Build 884. Currently trying to locate pilerexport commands. I have found the following link but does not any commands for looking for words in subject lines or within the body, only time frames, to and from, sizes or ALL

Can you please point me to the right location where I can find all the commands or if this option just does not exist with exporting emails with pilerexport.

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Why don't you try find or locate commands. Anyway, normally pilerexport goes to /usr/local/bin.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Btw. the master branch (aka 1.2.0-pre build) has the -w option where you may specify a sphinx query. However, 1.1.0 doesn't have this feature yet as it's has been added later.

  3. My Account reporter

    Ok, so what is the process of upgrading this my version to the 1.2.0 build. Is there documentation or "gotchya's" that we need to worry about?

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