Cannot open email in Web Gui

Issue #683 invalid
Jacques Roux created an issue

Good Day,

Thank you for assisting me today on Skype. I got everything to work eventually except the IMAP Authentication. I am still busy exploring that. The other problem I am facing is that when I log into the web gui as a user, the email does not automatically show. I need to press search and then it will display all email. Is that normal? Then when I click on a email nothing opens underneath like in your demo site. I tried a few things and also saw other users facing similar issues. I am using ubuntu 16.04 LTS and my sphinx search version is 2.2.9. I am starting to think that ubuntu is the problem.

Your assistance will be appreciated. I am at this point where I will give you ssh access to the server if that will help you understand my problem.

Kind Regards Jacques Roux

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, it's normal, you have to click on search to see something. Try the following: tail -f /var/log/mail.log, then click on a message, and check if there's any error. Also check the webserver logs, php logs for clues.

  2. Jacques Roux reporter

    Thanks for the quick response,

    Herewith screenshot for apache2 - error.log: error.JPG

    You can see that in the mail.log the sphinx query runs, but when you click on the message this error shows in the apache error log.

    Do you know what this means?

    Many Thanks Jacques Roux

  3. Jacques Roux reporter

    Thanks, installing this library fixed the issue.

    Really appreciate all the assistance!

    Kind Regards Jacques Roux

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