how to separate the messages/emils for each auditor based on their domian

Issue #684 resolved
imran yousaf created an issue

Actually i have a multiple business/companies and i wanted to create one or multiple auditors against one company and auditor can only see their company messages/emails how i can achieve this, proposed me a solution

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try setting $config['ENABLE_SAAS'] = 1; in config-site.php

    Note that the open source piler has some baby steps towards multitenancy, but piler was designed with a single company in mind. Anyway try it, and let me know, how it works.

  2. imran yousaf reporter

    I already enabled this $config['ENABLE_SAAS']=1;; in config-site.php

    A link with the name of Customers is appearing but not able to understand how use this one to get my problem solution Please guide me in this regard

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, then just create an auditor account like auditor@domain1, then login as this user, and verify that he can see his domain emails only.

  4. imran yousaf reporter

    First of all thanks for you time. OK its make sense by creating auditor@domain1, but did not understand purpose of customers and where we use customers or what is its normal flow. One more question Can we configure multiple SMTP servers?

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, you can configure several smtp servers to send emails to a single piler host.

    The concept of a customer is a domain or a company, so 1 company = 1 customer, and you may create auditor(s) for the given customer.

  6. imran yousaf reporter

    All is good to understand and i am quite clear with my problem thanks for you time. This might be the last question from my side Can you please told me how to configure several smtp servers in code level as we did in site-config.php for example $config['SMTP_DOMAIN'], $config['PILER_HOST'], $config['SMARTHOST'] for single SMTP server

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Now I see what you meant. Then only a single mail server is supported. Anyway it's just for your convenience to see the smtp status of piler, and the mail server(s). You may and should monitor them with a tool like nagios, etc.

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