Domain is showing in the message heaser. Is this normal ?

Issue #689 invalid
imran yousaf created an issue

we are sending messages from an email server to They are being received by SMTP with no problem. However, the is showing in the message header. Is this normal? In some cases it is also appearing as the to address on a search and not the original recipient.
Question 2: Can we capture bcc addresses and distribution groups

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    From the installation docs:

    "Important! The 'hostid' parameter in piler.conf should be the hostname of piler, what is configured on your mailserver at always_bcc (see below). Eg. if you set on your mailserver, then set in piler.conf"

    But since people tend to skip this part of the manual, latest builds of piler don't add this automatically.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm not sure what you mean by "Question 2", please explain it, but not here on bitbucket, since this is not a general how to do this or that forum. Use the mailing list for such a purpose.

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