journaling address shown in search list after move to new server

Issue #701 closed
Uwe Kiewel created an issue

I moved my piler archive to a new server. everything is ok, but searches.

While performing a search, the list contains the "journaling address", not the real to address in the to column. And only incoming mails are affected. Outgoing mail are displayed correctly in the search list.

sample: mail from "" to ""

in the search list: from "" to ""

the mail itselves: from: to:

I am working with O365. Only difference between the new and the old system: On my site was an additional postfix mail relay. In the new environment, O365 sends the journaled mails directly without the postfix mail relay to piler.

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Fix the hostname in piler.conf, then remove the address from the rcpt table.

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