After importing mails of a user attachments are not showing in user Inbox. How to fix this issue?

Issue #704 closed
Ajay created an issue

Hi All

I am using piler-1.1.1 with ldap authentication. I have enabled always_bcc option in my live mail server with this a bcc copy of all mails of user is sent to piler server. On piler i have schedule a script which imports that mails regularly. Importing is working fine but when users login in piler for their mails they not not fine any type of attachment in their mail. For example sender A user sends to mail with attachment (any type such as pdf,xls,doc ect) to B user (Receiver). A copy of that mail from live server send to piler server where it import successfully. But when receiver login his account in piler and try to see his mail he see only mail in the inbox not attachment with mail. Simply attachments are not showing in piler after import the mail with attachment.

Please help me to fix this issue.

Comments (4)

  1. eXtremeSHOK

    Permission issue.

    Check your permissions and the errors logs will log an error for the "missing" attachments

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