Another web GUI port and directory

Issue #756 invalid
Marcelo Machado Gomes created an issue

Hi everybody.

Is it possible for the piler to work on a port other than 80 and in a folder other than DocumentRoot?

How do I configure this?

Marcelo Gomes

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, it's possible to run the gui on a port other than 80. To do that, setup the webserver properly, then edit config-site.php, and fix the SITE_URL parameter, and include that port, eg. http://yourarchive:8888/

    The DocumentRoot folder question seems odd to me, since you specify it to the directory where you put the gui files.

    Anyway, it's not a bug at all :-(

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    None. People just don't understand the purpose of an issue tracker. The purpose of bitbucket's jira-like service is to let users report bugs and issues with piler. OK, you may ask what's a bug or an issue?

    A bug or an issue is some sort of error in the software. When piler does something it shouldn't. Or it doesn't do something it should. Or it simply misbehaves. However, it's not a bug if you don't know how to configure your webserver. It's not a bug if you don't know how to do something with piler. Note that I'm not saying these kinds of problems are not important to me, but I'm saying those topics are for the mailing list or the documentation. If people keep asking the same thing, then it's a sign to add it to the docs or the faq.

    The trouble is that I'm too good to piler users, and instead of simply deleting such issues (even if you mark it as a "major bug" when there's no bug at all - you can imagine), I usually answer them. Anyway, please try to use the issue tracker as described, and I hope it make sense.

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