IMAP only possible?

Issue #760 closed
Parker D created an issue

Hi, I hope I am at the right place as I haven't found any other piler community. I don't run my own mail server, neither any of the supported ones (e.g. Google, MSO365,...). Problem is that I cannot tell all of our hosted mail accounts to send copies. So... can I just import any mails via IMAP import and a cronjob as it is described with Google Apps in the office wiki? And btw. can I authanticate against multiple IMAP servers? PS: If I am at the wrong place, sorry! Just point me in the right direction.

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The mailing list would be the appropriate forum for such topics, see the opening piler page on how to access it.

    Anyway, imap import is possible, however as time passes it will take more and more time, because pilerimport must discard more and more already processed emails. Also note that since users may remove / change emails in an imap mailbox, your archive never will be complete having a chance to stand in a court.

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