Retention rules are not working

Issue #764 closed
imran yousaf created an issue

By some reason retention rules are not working.

I have set different retention rules by providing domain on which I received the emails and click on apply changes' button after adding the retention rule.

I am also able to see the Update retention values within this domain button, but when I click this button it shows me the info

Domain: Retention days: 50 Updated records: 0

A couple of weeks had passed, but I am still seeing that updated records 0. Could you please help me where I am wrong and what I need to do to make retention rules in working condition

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The update retention link is supposed to run through the metadata table and set the retention value for all emails in this domain. If it says 0, then it means there was no update for some reason. I can't see a bug here, not even a major one.

  2. imran yousaf reporter

    Janos, can you please let me know that what are the possible reasons and how I can debug and fix this problem

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I can't see the problem in the first place. Show me a log entry from mail log that retention is set to an incorrect value, and show me your current retention rules. Also I expect somewhat faster turns in the communication.

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