Exchange support: include ldap attribute proxyAddress?

Issue #773 closed
Rory McInerney created an issue

In my exchange organisation, I'm currently working on a batch of scripts to help with some problems I've encountered with importing emails from exchange into piler - these will be shared back once I have them working properly!

One issue I've come across I feel could be better solved upstream so here goes:

Sometimes a user in exchange has multiple email addresses and the default one (which is then the 'mail' ldap attribute) changes over time. Would it be possible when a user is logged into the search portal that instead of the address searched being pulled from the 'mail' attribute (keep login on it though) it pulls the 'proxyAddress' attribute and then searches on all addresses there and presents it as one to the user.

For example, a user has two mail addresses, and and has a PST formed over two years imported. Currently, we would only have the current default address/mail attribute searched on. Ideally both addresses can be searched on together and then merged to present to the user.

I would envisage this could be turned on by a 0/1 variable in the config-site.php

Happy to help out with any testing, etc.

Thanks Rory

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The gui allows you to use the authentication method of your choice, including the query of the ldap attributes you need. Check out config.php for examples, look for "// AD specific settings", and set your site specific stuff in config-site.php.

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